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Newell Brands纽威验厂社会责任审核文件清单(中英文版本)


         社会责任审核文件清单(Social Responsibility Audit Document List)如下所示:

        1.Business licence  营业执照

        2.Factory building or floor layout (Please provide during opening meeting) 工厂或楼层平面图(请在见面会时即先提供)
        3.Employees handbook / factory rules and regulations/dormitory rules  员工手册/厂规厂纪/宿舍管理制度
        4.Organization Chart / Process Flow Chart  公司组织架构/产品工序流程图
        5.Internal records and procedures 文件
        Employee handbook / factory rule / dormitory rules
        Employees roster 员工花名冊
        Employee files with employee ID copy  有身份证副本的员工档案
        Juvenile workers  未成年工管理
        Hiring procedure  招工程序
        Resignation procedure  辞职程序
        Labor contracts  劳动合同
        Dispatch agreement / business licence of labor dispatch service company 劳务派遣
        Leave policy (maternity leave / paternity leave / annual leave / marriage leave / funeral leave / statutory leave / industrial injury leave / sick leave…)请假政策
        Employee grievance system and records (Workers’ Union)  内部员工申述渠道
        6.Local official minimum wage standard 当地政府关于最低工资的文件
        7.Attendance records / wage and benefits:  考勤记录,工资和福利
        Timecards or attendance records for the past 12 months  最近12个月工卡或考勤表
        Payroll records for the past 12 months  最近 12 个月工资表
        Piece rate workers’ production records and wages calculation records  计件工生产记录及工资计算记录
        Pay slip / wage sheet with workers’ signature or bank voucher  有工人签名的工资条/薪资表/银行转帐凭证
        All sorts of leave records  所有假单

        Resignation records  辞职记录

        Penalty records / reward records  奖惩记录
        All sorts of production records for recent 12 months (Daily production records / quality inspection records / delivery records…)各种生产记录
        Social Insurance coverage (Receipt, name list and official waiver issued by the local social insurance authority)
        8.Health and safety 健康与安全
        Fire control acceptance certificae  消防验收证书
        Inspection certificate of completion of construction  建筑项目竣工验收报告
        EHS committee and/or procedure  环境健康安全组织/安全生产委员会架构图及/或工作程序
        Hazardous material inventory/ Material safety data sheet/Waste inventory  危险物清单/物料安全资料表/废弃物清单
        Health examination records for employees engaged in hazardous operation  危险岗位员工的体检报告,职业病检查报告
        Sharp object, blade management policy and records (利器管控)
        Work-related injury / incident records  工伤事故记录
        Fire fighting facility inspection 消防设备检查检验记录
        EHS training record  健康安全培训记录
        Machinery safety/PPE/Chemical related 机器操作/个人劳保用品使用/化学品相关
        Emergency preparedness and response procedure /Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training records 应急预案与响应程序/消防演习记录
        Certified first aid responder and first aid training record  急救人員证书与急救培训记录
        AIDS awareness training records 爱滋病防范意识的培训记录
        Special equipment operation permit certificate e.g. lift, compressive vessel, forklift, crane, etc.  特种设备许可证
        Operator’s license for special type of work e.g. electrician, elevator, pressure vessel, forklift, etc.  特种工上岗证
        Pest infestation control procedure or records  害虫控制程序或记录
        Kitchen hygiene permit/ kitchen workers’ health certificates  厨房卫生许可证/厨工健康证
        Testing record of drinking water quality  饮用水测试记录
        9.Environmental Requirements   环保要求
        Environment Impact Evaluation Report or register record / the inspection and acceptance report for environment of construction project (环境影响评估报告书或登记表/建设项目环境验收报告)
        Discharge permit (for waste and sewage, etc.)  排污许可证明
        Business Permit for Vendor to collect and handle dangerous waste  收集处理危险废物的供应商营业执照/许可证
        Waste inventory /hazardous waste disposal records  废弃物清单//危险废物处理记录(如适用)
        Waste discharge reports 三废定期监测检验报告,  整改计划或措施
        Energy consumption,data /inventory 能源消耗数据
        Green House Gas (GHG) emissions inventory /ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) inventory GHG 台帐 / ODS 台帐
        10. Disclose of subcontractor 品牌产品或工序分包商信息

        11.Others  其它文件


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