GIS QA Technical Evaluation Scope
CONFIDENTIALITY: The information, comments and opinions contained in the report including any and all attached photographs, copies of reports and similar documents are for the use of the Gap Inc. business units and its subsidiary companies. Do not distribute or photocopy this report without receiving prior written consent from GIS VQM department.
Section |
Q no. |
Question |
Inspection 检查 |
1 |
Check if the factory has independent QA/QC team, check organization chart copy. 检查工厂的组织架构图是否有独立的QA/QC部? |
Inspection |
2 |
Is there end of line inspection? If yes, is it effective? 生产线上有成品检查?如果是,是否有效? |
Inspection |
3 |
For subcontracted semi-products/parts/ plating, is there complete and clear standard provided and if there are any QC station there to monitor? 对于半成品/部件外包生产,有无提供清楚的标准并安排QC去跟进? |
Inspection |
4 |
Does factory do any internal Line Review on product safety test/wear test? 工厂内部有没有做关于产品安全/试身等测试? |
Inspection |
5 |
Does factory has a complete set of their buyer's technical manual hard copy/ approved samples provided to each QA and knows how to obtain updated information? 工厂是否拥有一套完整的客户的技术手册复印件/批样品提供给每个QA,并知道如何获取最新信息? |
Inspection |
6 |
Is there proper training for QA/QC and develop their ability to cover multi-departments (roving/ inline/ end line inspection)? 是否为QA/QC提供适当的培训,培训部门包括随机抽查的QC/线上检查员/成品检查员? |
Inspection |
7 |
For new factory: Is there any certified QA by their other buyer/s, what are the brand/s? For current factory: what is the DA correlation %? 对于新工厂:有无通过其他客人认证的QA?什么品牌? 对于现有的工厂:QA比例是多少? |
Inspection |
8 |
Is lighting adequate (800 +) lux and enough space/ completed information in QC room/QC stations? 检查区域的光线是否达到 800 Lux以上,查货房或QC查衫的位置空间是否足够,验货资料是否齐全? |
Inspection |
9 |
Conduct a product audit of 32 pcs bulk product, check visual defects. Use Brand AQL to check, for new fty, use AQL 2.5. 抽查32件衣服检查外观疵点,是否采用品牌标准检查?对于新工厂要求采用AQL2.5. |
Inspection |
10 |
Conduct a product audit of 32 pcs bulk product, check key POM. Use Brand AQL to check, for new fty, use AQL 2.5. 抽查32件衣服检查关键的POM, 是否采用品牌标准检查?对于新工厂要求采用AQL2.5. |
Section |
Q no. |
Question |
Pressing/ heat set /lasting整烫 |
1 |
Is there a pressing supervisor available and pressing/ heat setting standards displayed within the area? 是否有大烫主管,整烫和热定型标准样是否挂在现场? |
Pressing/ heat set/ lasting |
2 |
Does factory use appropriate pressing/ heat setting equipment, template and guides for production? Are the equipment well maintained? 工厂是否使用合适的设备或模板和指引去烫衣/热定型?这些设备有无维护? |
Pressing/ heat set/lasting |
3 |
Are the pressing operators well trained? Do operators know how to use the vacuum? 大烫和热定型操作员有无经过岗前培训?操作员是否知道怎样使用这些设备? |
Pressing/ heat set/lasting |
4 |
Is there pressing/heat setting quality and measurement monitoring? If yes, is audit result properly documented? 烫后或热定型后是否有检查质量和尺寸?如有,是否可提供记录? |
Pressing/ heat set/lasting1 |
5 |
Is the working environment/ housekeeping /tray/ racks/ trolleys/ tables/aisles clean and tidy? 工作环境/托盘/货架/手推车/桌子/通道都是否干净整洁? |
Pressing/ heat set/lasting |
6 |
Are pressed product handle properly prior to packing? 烫后的产品直到包装前是否得到妥善的处理? |
Pressing/ heat set/lasting |
7 |
Is there enough racks with clear label so can maintain the pressed/heat setting product quality? 烫后或热定型后的产品是否有足够的机架来存放并有清晰的标识? |
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本文来源:华南验厂网 - GAP验厂简介,GAP质量审核技术规范(四)
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